19/11/2014 00:11
It's late night here and I'm done to go to sleep. But first I want to tell you a story.
Then I was in my teens something happend that changed my mind forever.
It was a terrable accident, that taught me the false safety in bits.
If i start at the begining. At the time I was very open to alternative...
15/11/2014 23:06
A month ago Tuffis was diagnosed with PPID.
Today he been taking his new medication for exactly 3 weeks.
I don't want to say to much yet, but this far it is looking like it is going the right way.
Wish us luck.
15/11/2014 22:51
The secret to horsetraining. Is not a tool or a metod.
It is something you don't have to buy or pay for.
It's something we all have and can use.
It's so simple that most of us seem to have forgoten it.
The secret to good horsetraining is you.
If you can get yourself together...
14/11/2014 23:55
In this blog there will be lots of horses. Most you will read about my horses Peewee, Tuffis, Little Red and Meinke.
But there is seven other horses that I believe is going to be mentioned often in this blog so I thought I might as well introduce them right away.
I live on a farm together...
14/11/2014 22:05
Now it's finally up. The blog of escape.
I hope to keep this place alive and dive back in to the world of horses.
I wish to remind myself of everything I know and to start think again, to learn and move on.