The secret

15/11/2014 22:51

The secret to horsetraining. Is not a tool or a metod.
It is something you don't have to buy or pay for. 
It's something we all have and can use.
It's  so simple that most of us seem to have forgoten it.

The secret to good horsetraining is you. 
If you can get yourself together there is nothing that can stop you and your horses.
If you can prove to your horse that your worth trust and respect, if you can earn the title of being the leader.
It's not something you do, something you trained.
It's all you. 
Your way to hold yourself, your way to walk, talk and think.
Your way to keep your cool, your knowledge, your courage.

To be a leader does not mean that you will boss others around.
It means that you care for all the others.
To be a leader does not mean not listening to others.
It means that you listen very well and make wise choices.

You can not take the place of leader,
you have to earn it.
